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Retouch Tool In Photos For Mac

How to Retouch a Photo

Edited by Pat Bitton

July 24, 2019

The best moments of our lives should be captured in beautiful photos, but occasional imperfections can spoil the memories. Don’t get upset if you see defects in a wedding photo, a family portrait, or even a selfie. You can completely remove all of them with photo retouching. Movavi Photo Editor makes it as easy as can be. It can also help you repair damaged old photos that have been converted to a digital format. You won’t need to call on expensive professional services; the simple yet powerful Photo Editor lets you become your own retoucher, even if you’ve never done photo touch up before. You can even add your own creative ideas to the photo: adjust colors, experiment with contrast and brightness, and enhance the retouched image in many other ways to create the perfect image.

Retouching Photos The Retouch tool in the Mac Photos app makes it easy to remove spots and blemishes from your photos. You can simply click and drag to remove spots, or pull colors from another area of the photo. Pixelmator for Mac is a powerful photo editing and image manipulation app which makes for an excellent Photoshop alternative.Even better, the latest versions of Pixelmator come with a couple of optional Extensions for Photos app on the Mac that bring some interesting and fun capabilities into the Photos app editing tools.

Look at what you can do with Movavi Photo Editor:

See for yourself why Movavi Photo Editor is the best software for photo retouching and picture restoration. Just download the Windows or Mac version, and follow the guide below to start doing photo retouch work quickly and easily.

Open the installation file and follow the instructions on the screen.

Launch Photo Editor, click Browse for Images, and choose the file you want to edit. Alternatively, you can drag the image file onto the program working area.

You can get rid of wrinkles, birthmarks, scars, and other skin flaws in portraits, as well as remove any spots, scuffs, scratches, or other unwanted objects that may have appeared in converted old and damaged photos. Just do the following:


To correct facial and other skin imperfections, open the Retouching tab and choose Blemish removal. Adjust the tool size to match the size of the area you want to retouch. Just click on the blemish and it will be gone as if by magic! Repeat the process for all the problem areas and click Apply. Make skin matte and radiant with the Skin smoothing and Shine removal tools. Use the Red eye removal and Teeth whitening tools to resolve these common problems in digital portraits. You can even add make-up or change eye and hair color!

To edit an old scanned image (to get rid of cracks, creases, spots, etc.), go to the Object Removal tab, choose the Brush tool, and select all the objects you want to remove. You can change the size of the brush by moving the Brush Size slider. Make sure the unwanted elements are highlighted in red, and click Start Erasing. The program will automatically erase blemishes and retouch the original photograph. You can also use the Magic Wand Tool to quickly select adjacent objects of the same color. The Lasso Tool will help you select the unwanted objects by outlining them. Use the Selection Eraser Tool to deselect parts of the image if you wish, or click Reset Selection to start over with the highlighting.

You can also retouch imperfections manually with the Stamp Tool: clone one piece of an image onto the imperfection to cover it up seamlessly. First, hold down the Alt key and left-click on the area you want to copy, then release the Alt key and click the element you want to mask with the patch you’ve just selected for copying.

To zoom in or out on your picture, use the mouse wheel or the dedicated slider at the bottom of the window. You can easily review all the changes you’ve made: hold down and release the View Original button to switch between the cleaned-up image and the original picture, or click Before / After to display both images side by side.

In addition to retouching, you can improve the appearance of your photo in many other ways: heighten contrast, sharpen blurry shots, find the balance between highlights and shadows to emphasize details that may be too dark or too light, or fix hue, temperature, and tint for color correction. You can set these and other parameters via the Adjust tab by moving the appropriate sliders. To adjust brightness and contrast automatically, try the Magic Enhance filter – the effect can be amazing.

When your picture is ready, save it by clicking the Save button. You can choose the destination folder, change the format of the file, or rename it. Click Save and enjoy the results!

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Not surprisingly, the editing tools in Photos for Mac are similar to what you get with the Photos app for iOS. If you look just below the surface, however, they are greater in number, giving you greater control over your photos on a Mac than you get on an iPhone or iPad.

As with the iOS app, Photos for Mac places the Edit button in the upper-right corner and lays out the editing tools along the right edge when you enter edit mode. From top to bottom, the six editing buttons in Photos for Mac are: Enhance, Rotate, Crop, Filters, Adjust and Retouch. There are more adjustment tools on the Mac app than there are on the iOS app, and the retouch tool isn't offered on iOS. Let's have a look at each.


Just as with iOS (and iPhoto before with OS X), the Enhance button offers automatic one-click enhancements of your photos. I find auto-enhance generally does a good job of improving my photos, at least as a jumping off point for additional edits.


The Rotate button rotates a photo 90 degrees to the left. Hold down the Option key and you can rotate to the right.


Photos For Mac Download

The Crop tool lets you crop your photo and change its aspect. You can also flip it horizontally to get a mirrored image of it or hold down the Option key to flip vertically. There is a dial to the right of your photo to straighten it.

You can manually crop a photo, and there is also an Auto button that auto-crops your image, but I found it often reverted to my original image. (Perhaps I'm such an ardent follower of photography's rule of thirds that I don't need any auto-cropping.) When manually cropping, you'll need to get used to dragging the photo underneath the fixed border; in iPhoto, your photo remained in place and you dragged the border around to crop it. Move your cursor off of the photo to see how the new cropped image looks.


It would seem that you can't have a photo app in this day and age without filters. Thus, you'll find the same eight filters from Photos for iOS on the Mac: Mono, Tonal, Noir, Fade, Chrome, Process, Transfer and Instant. Unlike with Instagram and other apps, you cannot adjust the intensity of a filter, though you can select a filter and then make other adjustments.


Photos App For Mac

Open the Adjust tool and you are greeted with the same three tools that you get with the Adjust tool for iOS: Light, Color and Black & White. There is a slider for each effect as well as an Auto button that lets the Photos app make its best guess. Above these three tools is an Add button, which lets you access seven additional tools that aren't offered on Photos for iOS. They are: Histogram, Sharpen, Definition, Noise Reduction, Vignette, White Balance and Levels.


How To Use Photos For Mac

The Retouch tool isn't offered on iOS and lets you remove unwanted elements of your photo. You can adjust the size of the tool and then click-and-drag to blur out blemishes and other undesirable artifacts. Use the slider at the top to zoom in on your photo.

Photos makes non-destructive edits, which means you can always return to an edited photo and revert to its original. When in edit mode, there is a Revert to Original button next to the Done button in the upper-right corner. And while you are editing a photo, you can compare the edit version to the original by mousing over the photo and hitting the M key.

Photo Retouching software, free download

You can also undo your last edit by going to Edit > Undo or by hitting Command-Z. You can undo only your last edit. A more helpful and powerful undo tool would show you a list of your edits for a photo and let you undo anyone from the list instead of just the last edit you made.

For more, join us on our tour as we explore Photos for Mac.