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Where Is My Itunes Library On Mac

  1. Find My Itunes Library
  2. Path For Itunes Library
  3. Where Is My Itunes Library On My Mac
  4. Where Is Itunes Library On Mac

Consolidate your files in the iTunes folder. In the iTunes app on your Mac, choose File Library Organize Library. Select “Consolidate files.”. Files remain in their original locations, and copies are placed in the iTunes folder. To create folders (Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, Audiobooks.

  • Nov 15, 2019 Music playlists and smart playlists that you've created in iTunes will be in the new Apple Music app. The iTunes Store will still be available to buy music on Mac, iOS, PC, and Apple TV. ITunes Gift Cards and iTunes credits will be maintained and can be used with the new apps and the App Store.
  • Sep 24, 2019 In the iTunes Media folder location section of the Advanced preferences window, click the Change button. In the Finder window that opens, navigate to the location where you would like to create the new iTunes Media folder. In the Finder window, click the New Folder button. Enter a name for the new folder.

If you want to find out where iTunes stores your library files, the following guide should help you find the iTunes library location on both your Windows and Mac machines. Read on to even learn how to change the locations on your computer.

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iTunes provides you an easy way to add new files and organize existing files on its interface on your computer. The interface lets you view your files, their dates, and other information about your files. However, what you do not see in the list is where exactly your files are stored. iTunes has been quite confidential about it and it does not directly let users view the location of the stored files.

If you are curious and you would like to find out the iTunes library location on Windows or Mac, we have you covered. The following guide shows you the locations of the folders where iTunes stores your music and other media files on your computer’s storage. Once you have found where your files are actually located, you can play around with them just like any other files on your computer.


How to Find iTunes Library Locations on Computer

Finding the iTunes files location on a computer is extremely easy. This section should teach you how you find the folder on your PC or Mac computer.

Find iTunes Library Locations on Mac:

  1. Get to the desktop of your Mac so you are inside a Finder window.
  2. Click on the “Go” button at the top in your menu bar.
  3. Select the option that says “Home”. It will take you to your home directory.
  4. When the Home directory launches in Finder, open the folder named “Music” followed by iTunes.
  5. What you now see on your screen is the folder where the iTunes app stores your media files.

Find iTunes Library Locations on PC:

  1. All you need to do is open the File Explorer utility.
  2. Head to the C:Users[username]My MusiciTunes path.
  3. Once you are there, you should be able to see all of your iTunes media content.

How to Change iTunes Library Location

While the default iTunes storage folders are not that bad, you can change the locations on your computer if you would like. Once you change the location, iTunes will begin to store your newly imported files into your new location on your computer.

1. How to Change iTunes Library Location on Mac

Changing the iTunes files location on a Mac is pretty easy as you can do the task from within the iTunes app on your machine. You just need to modify an option in the settings and your task will be done. Here’s how you do it:


Step 1. Launch the iTunes app from Launchpad on your Mac.

How to Change iTunes Library Location on Mac – Step 1

Step 2. When the iTunes app launches, click on the iTunes menu at the top and select the option that says Preferences. It will open the iTunes settings screen on your Mac.

How to Change iTunes Library Location on Mac – Step 2

Step 3. When the settings menu opens, click on the last tab that says Advanced. Once you are there, click on the Change button given next to the iTunes Media folder location. You should be able to specify a new location for iTunes media files on your Mac.

How to Change iTunes Library Location on Mac – Step 3

2. How to Change iTunes Library Location on PC

Windows users can also easily change the iTunes storage location and that too from within the iTunes app. The following is how you do it.

Step 1. Launch the iTunes app and click on Edit followed by Preferences.

Step 2. Head to the Advanced tab and click on the Change button to change your iTunes media folder.

That’s how you change the iTunes media folder location on your Windows PC.

The Bottom Line

If you have not been able to find the iTunes media folder on your Windows PC or Mac, the above guide should help you find the folder very easily on your computer. It also teaches how you can change the default iTunes folder if you would like to do it.

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Here's what you need

  • Update your iPhone or iPod touch to the latest version of iOS, iPad to the latest version of iPadOS, or Mac to the latest version of macOS. On a PC, make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes for Windows.
  • Subscribe to Apple Music or iTunes Match.
  • Sign in to all of your devices with the same Apple ID that you use with Apple Music or iTunes Match.
  • Connect your devices to the Internet over a Wi-Fi or cellular network. On a Mac or PC, you can also connect to the Internet using Ethernet.

Apple Music and iTunes Match availability varies by country or region. Learn what's available in your country or region.

Turn on Sync Library

With the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, Sync Library is turned on by default. If you turned off Sync Library, you can turn it back on. Just follow the steps below for your device.

On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

  1. Go to Settings > Music.
  2. Turn on Sync Library. If you don't subscribe to Apple Music or iTunes Match, you won’t see an option to turn on Sync Library.

If Sync Library is updating or turned off, you'll see a message at the top of the Library tab in the Apple Music app.

On your Mac

Path For Itunes Library

  1. Open the Apple Music app.
  2. From the menu bar at the top of your screen, choose Music > Preferences.
  3. Go to the General tab and select Sync Library to turn it on. If you don't subscribe to Apple Music or iTunes Match, you won’t see an option to turn on Sync Library.
  4. Click OK.

If you have a large music library, it might take some time to upload and sync your music library across all of your devices.

On your PC with iTunes for Windows

In iTunes for Windows, iCloud Music Library isn't turned on by default. To turn on iCloud Music Library:

  1. Open iTunes.
  2. From the menu bar at the top of your screen, choose Edit > Preferences.
  3. Go to the General tab and select iCloud Music Library to turn it on. If you don't subscribe to Apple Music or iTunes Match, you won’t see an option to turn on iCloud Music Library.
  4. Click OK.

If you have a large music library, it might take some time to upload and sync your music library across all of your devices.

On other devices

If you subscribe to Apple Music, you can also access your music library — without having to turn on Sync Library — on other devices that support the Apple Music app.

If you don't subscribe to Apple Music

  • If you only want to sync your existing music library across all of your devices, and not any music from the Apple Music catalog, you can subscribe to iTunes Match on your computer. iTunes Match lets you access your music library on any Apple device or a PC with iTunes for Windows.
  • If you buy music from the iTunes Store, you can redownload your past music purchases on your Apple device or a PC with iTunes for Windows.
  • You can also manually sync music from your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Where Is My Itunes Library On My Mac

Need help?

  • If you sign out of your Apple ID or cancel your Apple Music or iTunes Match subscription, you won’t be able to access and sync your music library on all of your devices. The original song files will remain on the device that they were uploaded from.
  • Apple Music isn't a back up service. Make sure to back up your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or PC, so that you have a copy of your music and other information in case your device is ever replaced, lost, or damaged.
  • You can have up to 100,000 songs in your music library. Songs that you buy from the iTunes Store don't count against this limit.
  • If a song is grayed out, incorrect music plays, or you can’t access your music library, learn what to do.

Learn more

Where Is Itunes Library On Mac

  • Learn how to join Apple Music.
  • Learn about the icons that you might see next to songs when you turn on Sync Library.
  • If Sync Library is turned on, a song that you delete from one device is deleted everywhere.
  • Learn what to do if songs in your music library are grayed out.